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Thursday, December 30, 2010

What's New?

      Do you make New Year’s resolutions?? I do. Why?? Because you never hit a goal that you don’t set.
     When the Lord finally had Paul’s undivided attention on the road to Damascus you might remember what Paul said, “6 ...Lord, what do You want me to do?” (Acts 9:6 NKJV)
     Some people get really frustrated trying to make spiritual progress and I’d like to suggest a possible reason in hopes of helping your get out of the rut you may feel like you are in.
    So many Christians want to be Spirit-filled, but have they ever asked why God should fill them with His Spirit?
     Imagine a man pushing a car into a service station. It has no battery in it. The car has four flat tires, a hole in the gas tank, and half the wires are disconnected. The attendant comes out, looks at this rattle trap, and says, “May I help you?”
     And the man says, “Yeah, fill 'er up.” What do you think that attendant would say? “What for?” would be appropriate. I think God sometimes says, “What for?” to us. Instead, we need to just sign the contract at the bottom and say, “Lord, You fill it in.”
     Bow before the Lord, open your hands and say, “Lord, It's all You. I am nothing but a vessel for You to use. Use me as You will.” “13 Brothers and sisters, I know that I have not yet reached that goal, but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead” (Phil. 3:13, NASB).
    Step #1—Look forward. Don’t think of yourself in terms of what you have been. Leave the past in the past. God wants you to look ahead. Your enemy wants to remind you of your history. You have yet to discover your God-ordained potential.
     Step # 2—Prioritize. Paul said, “One thing I do..” and the he put all of his effort into the most important thing (straining). He longed to attain the prize of the Christian servant.
     Nehemiah was a man who knew how to get alone with God. He fasted, prayed, and wept; then God told him what to do.  Have you done that? Have you sacrificed and surrendered to the Lord to discover His will for your life? Or are you just putting yourself into neutral and letting life happen to you? Do you have a focus?
     God has something that He wants you to do. You are special to God. Nehemiah said, “God had laid something on my heart.” If you'll listen, God will lay something on your heart.   Get alone with God this month; discover what He wants from your life and how to do His will.
     2011 would be a great time to start doing many of the important things that God has already challenged you to do. So when someone asks you, “What’s new?” I hope you have an answer.
Watching Jesus make ALL THINGS NEW!
Pastor Marty

Monday, December 13, 2010

ADVENT: The Long Awaited Appearance

     I’m excited like a young child eagerly waiting for Christmas morning. Why?? It looks like we have a tremendous opportunity to launch into a Hispanic Ministry in Kirksville.
     For those who are concerned about cost and budget issues. We will be able to start this new work with zero money down and payments of zero dollars per month!!
     Here’s what has transpired: A couple of years ago, after speaking to several Hispanic families as we made visits, I had asked the pastor of the Hispanic Mission in Milan if he’d every thought and prayed about starting a work in Kirksville. His name is Bro. Carlos Lozano. At the time he couldn’t do it.
    Then last month he came by and we visited. Now we’d like to share the vision with the family at First Baptist get them to begin praying for this ministry.
     I believe it will be good not only for the people that are reached by it, but it will be good for us too. As we wrap our arms around this group of people and live and love and serve from the same location, it will shape our hearts to be more like God’s heart.
     At this time of year, we always pray and give toward foreign missions—not it is coming to our door! We will be holding conversations about this in our various groups, Sunday School, etc. I would especially like feedback and ideas about how the we can make this a sweet ministry expansion because of careful planning.
   Just like Jesus was the ultimate advent (Is. 9:2, 6) “2 The people who walk in darkness Will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them . . .6 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” This is our day to share His light with others.

Anticipating Jesus’ second appearance,
Pastor Marty