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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Love: A Beautiful Sight!

     You may have seen a scientist take a ray of light and pass it through a crystal prism and seen it come out on the other side broken up into its component colors; orange, indigo, violet, yellow, red, blue and green –the colors of the rainbow (colors of the light spectrum).
     In the same way God takes love and passes it through Paul’s inspired intellect in 1 Corinthians and it comes out broken down into its elements [14 statements listed in pairs]. In these few words we have what we might call the Spectrum of The Eternal Gift of Love. Let’s try to grasp their names and virtues.
     Love is not simply a component of life but love is an intent, a purpose, that causes thoughts, words and actions in everyday life. This desire and command to love was the need of the Corinthians, and this is still our need today.
    The original word used in the Greek is agape, not eros which denotes physical love or philos which denotes friendship love. Agape, love that originates with and comes from God Himself which illuminates all other types of love. So that we understand this distinction the Apostle uses the definite article with agape.
    When Paul wrote (1 Cor. 13:4) “Love is patient and kind…” or as the KJV renders it “suffereth long” The original word used for patience here is made up of two words, makros- = “long” and thumos = “passion, anger, rage.”  It is the quality of self-restraint in the face of provocation that does not hastily retaliate or promptly punish. It’s the quality of having a long fuse.

    The next ingredient of love in verse 4. “Kind.” Some people say that love is blind. It isn’t blind, but it is kind. It sees people’s imperfections and still cares. We need to examine our response to others in the light of love. If negative attitudes quickly surface, if glaring character defects always loom up before us, let’s ask God to help us see others through eyes of love.
    Love is like a two sided coin. There are some things it is, and some things it is not. Paul goes on (1 Cor. 13:4b-6) to list 8 items which stifle love. The first four deal with the abuse of the gift of love.  It “ ..does not envy.” From a root word which means “to boil.”  Envy or jealousy is a feeling of ill will or begrudging because of the supposed advantages of others. Love is not in competition with others.  It also does not “boast” Love is humble.  It is also “…not arrogant.” It means to be puffed out, full of oneself like air puffs out a pair of bellows. The previous word, boast, denotes outward display, this word, arrogant, the inward disposition. Space does not allow me to elaborate on the rest, but let me leave you with a test.
    When seeking a loving relationship, start by looking at how our Lord set the example in all of these features.  The things Love is, He is.  The things love is not, He is not.  Next as you read 1 Corinthians 13, take out the word love and insert your name.  Does that describe your kind of love for others?  If you are considering a biblical marriage-before you accept that promise- make sure your fiancĂ© also passes this love test.   I saw a quote on a poster many years ago that summarized this important choice.  It said, “Be careful who you marry. 95% of your happiness or unhappiness will be made by that one decision.”  May you know the Lord’s great love and may you get the joy of sharing it with others.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Beautiful Love Song!

     As I prepared my sermons for the month of February I was inspired at the contrast between how much of America expresses love. In 1976 Paul McCartney recorded the lyrics “You’d think that people would have had enough of silly love songs. But I look around me and I see it isn't so..”  Unfortunately poor Paul has had three wives and many girlfriends and like many of us has discovered that much of what we call love doesn't last.
    If you have ever been disappointed by love or had someone promise to love you forever who later became forgetful, then Psalm 136 is for you.  As much as people may hurts us and disappoint us, God’s love is permanent.  Seventeen times in as many verses, the psalmist drills the fact into our hearts and heads that God’s love is steadfast and it endures forever.
     He wrote that that same God who delivers us from oppressive rulers and marching armies has a love that extends beyond all of our troubles.  The same God who leads us through wilderness has a never-failing love (v.16) .
    The Lord knows our humble circumstances (V. 23), His desire is to rescue and restore (vv. 24-25), and so we praise the unstop-able love of God (v. 26).
    So what do we learn about our great God through these verses?  He is an Active God.  He does not abandon His people. He does not leave them alone.
   The psalmist also reminds us through his repetitious song that He is a providing God.  He cares about needs and meets them.
   It is the very attitude of thanksgiving to his never ending love that prevents and attitude of self-sufficiency or entitlement.
    So if today you find yourself feeling brokenhearted, crushed, small or forgotten.  May you be reminded that God is desperately in love with you.  People may forsake you and put you down, but your creator wants to lift you up and show you His love in so many powerful ways.  He wants to strengthen you.  Another Psalm says (Ps. 52:8) But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.”  Maybe you've seen the Peanuts cartoon: Linus announces to his cranky sister, Lucy, that he’s going to be a doctor. “You, a doctor?” She asks. “How can you be a doctor? You don’t love mankind.” Linus replies, “I do too love mankind. It’s people I can’t stand.”  God so loved people that He gave His one and only Son so that we might live in His love.  God sings the greatest love song of all about you!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love? I’ve Got Nothing to Say!

     During this month I am writing about love.  You will see it marketed all over the stores and websites promising to help find you someone to love.  Obviously it is a captivating subject.  My thesis on this subject is this: If we learn to love God, all the other forms of love will fall into place.  It won’t start with a website or a new social circle. It starts with your creator.
    Though many think of God and feel unworthy, God looks at each of us and thinks lovely! When Paul penned his letter to the Romans he spent much of the first seven chapters discussing sin.  For example: All have sinned (Rom. 3:23), death spread to all men because all sinned (Rom. 5;12), Are we to continue in sin (Rom. 6:1), The wages of sin (Rom. 6:23), and sin …dwells within me (Rom. 7:17).
    Suddenly (Rom. 8:1-2), as though a light breaking through the darkness Paul gives us the secret of love that releases us form the curse and burden of our sin. “1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death..
     Jesus stands at the door of every heart knocking (Rev. 3:20) and those who invite Him to rule on the throne of their lives enjoy a love and light the surpasses the greatest imagination.  It brings new life now and the promise of eternal life ahead.  Paul continued (Rom. 8:11) “11 If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” It gives us a close, adopted relationship with our heavenly Father that allows us to cry out to Him like a child cries for his or her earthly father. (v. 16).
      Paul elaborates on the rewards of being in Christ in verses 18-30 such as the strength to endure, a glorious corruption-free heaven, the power of the Holy Spirit to assist us when we don’t know how to pray or even how to have the right emotions.  The God who searches our hearts wants more than anything to endue our hearts with this kind of love.
     As a grand finale, Paul gives out the rhetorical questions: (Rom.8:31) 1) If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:33) 2) Who could bring a charge against God’s elect (you)? And (Rom. 8:35) 3) Who shall separate us form the love of Christ?  God has sent you the biggest valentine possible in the person of Jesus Christ who dies so that you might really love and live. 
     How can your respond?  Begin to follow Jesus with all your heart to day and say like Paul did (Gal. 2:20)20the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  So when it comes to the love of God there is no argument.  It is the best.  And when I feel unworthy and see that Christ has made me clean, I’m speechless.  There is nothing to say.  Only to follow and do the things that bring honor to Him.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Want To Get An “A” in Love?

    In 1980 country music singer Johnny Lee recorded the song, Looking for Love (In All the Wrong Places). Psychologists have long known that every person has two great longings and inward needs. The first is to be loved, and the second is to love. But when pressures and heartaches come into our lives, many give up any hope of ever finding love. The tragedy is that we often look in the wrong places to fill this deep, deep need and longing. Some substitute lust for love. Others pursue material things or superficial relationships - all in the futile attempt to fill a God-shaped vacuum in the human heart.     But there is good news! There is a love worth finding and a love worth sharing. The Bible says, (John 3:16) 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.". On the cross of Christ, God's mighty love was revealed and offered unconditionally to all who would be saved.
     Do you long to know this mighty love? Then I need to ask you the most important question you'll ever be asked: Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves you, that your sins are forgiven, and that you are saved and on your way to heaven?  You can know! Let me share with you how to discover the greatest love worth finding. Here are the A’s of finding this unfailing love: ADMIT YOUR SIN, (Rom. 3:10) “10 as it is written:  “None is righteous, no, not one;  (Rom. 3:23). “23 for all have sinned …,” Sin is an offense against God that carries a serious penalty. (Rom. 6:23), " 23 For the wages of sin is death,."
   ABANDON YOUR EFFORTS -  If we could save ourselves, Jesus' death would have been unnecessary!  Even "getting religion" cannot get you to heaven. The Bible says (Titus 3:5) it is "5not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy."  ACKNOWLEDGE CHRIST'S PAYMENT - What you cannot do for yourself, Jesus Christ has done for you! (Rom. 5:8)  “8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"  But you must acknowledge and believe this fact. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31).
     Finally ACCEPT CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR - When someone offers you a priceless gift, the wisest thing you can do is accept it! This very moment, you can receive Christ's gift of salvation. (Rom. 6:23) "…but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  I urge you to receive Him today. You'll be eternally glad to know the best kind of love!